Head of one of the best design schools in Russia, the Higher School of Economics (HSE) Design School. Founder of the design bureau Agey Tomesh, the magazine WAM, and the publishing house "Books WAM". Creator of the information and entertainment football portal FTBL.com. The "Books WAM" publishing house participated in projects like the "Interros Publishing Program", "RUSAL Library", "Vladimir Lisin Publishing Project", and the "New History of Art" program. Books released by the "Books WAM" publishing house have received diplomas and prizes in various competitions dedicated to book art. Arseniy has built a completely new system at the Design School: a map of creative competencies that is built not on the principle of disciplines but on the principle of projects that a student must complete within each discipline during each educational module. The school offers over 40 different continuing education courses, with basic Level 0 courses being particularly popular.